Make A Difference - Give a Laptop
Due to schools being closed again there are still many school pupils that are in need of support with their learning. BBC make a difference - give a laptop campaign is there for members of the public to donate any old/unused laptops and tablets to support pupils with their remote learning.
Swanwick Lions Club are working with GLEN TECH LTD to supply local schools with working devices to support their pupils with learning from home during this difficult time.
You can either take your device directly to
GLEN TECH LTD 235 Hunts Pond Rd, Park Gate, Fareham PO14 4PJ
9am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8:30am to 12:30pm Saturdays.
This is when they will ensure all devices data is securely erased and in a fully working order before passing them on.
If you would prefer/feel safer a member of the Swanwick Lions Club can collect the device from you in a COVID FRIENDLY MANNER. Please just message us.
Lions Clubs International responds with disaster relief
Just eight months after a large earthquake struck Croatia’s capital in March 2020, another, more powerful quake struck the area, killing at least seven people and injuring dozens more. The December 29 6.4 magnitude quake destroyed several cities and dozens of villages in Sisak-Moslavina County.
When a humanitarian crisis of this magnitude strikes, we, as Lions and humanitarians, are ready to help. Our global foundation, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), quickly responded and approved US$10,000 in Emergency grant funding to allow Lions in Croatia to respond to urgent needs of the victims.
In November and December 2020 alone, and adding to relief funding for Sisak-Moslavina County, LCIF provided US$235,000 in Emergency grants for:
Flood relief in India, Brazil, Italy, and Sri Lanka
Tropical storm relief in Colombia
Typhoon relief in the Philippines
Earthquake relief in Greece
For more information about the Lions Clubs International Foundation please visit
Santa and his Sleigh
This year was a bit different and challenging for everyone due to COVID-19 so for Satna and his sleigh to be able to get out and spread the christmas cheer was amazing. Thank you everyone who donated during our Santa sleigh runs and everyone who helped make this happen. Thank you to the management and staff at Pickwell Farm, Silver Springs Garden Centre Titchfield and Locks Heath Shopping Centre.
Christmas Deliveries

Litter Clean Up
President Net Cooper, Welfare Officer Kate Scott and two of our great friends Dawn Bell and Hazel Oliphant volunteered to pick up litter around Holly Hill Woods rear carpark and just inside our lovely woods.……and from Swanwick Marina (Premier boat yard and Force Four Chandlery) Bridge Road along to the end of The Swanwick Shore slip way Carpark.

Basic Food Bank Donation
Sunday Roast & Quiz
New Members

Mc Coast Clean Day
#MCCoastClean day, and Lions members Kate, Marian and myself, Net, did our litter pick from Dunelm to Home Bargains, Titchfield, this afternoon. We were picking up rubbish as part of the Mundo Limpio VOLUNTEERS Group! After 3 And a half hours, we felt it was time to stop, after collecting 9 bags of rubbish......Plus another 2 bin bags of rubbish just from Smyths Toys car park!! Marian spoke to their manager about the large amount and left the bin bags for them to dispose of. Thank you to Car Advisor for your support and encouragement, and Segensworth Car Company for the drinks to keep us going! If anyone wishes to help in the future, please contact us or Mundo Limpio on Facebook.
We met with Steve Coombs who in 1977 designed the artwork for the Swanwick lions club pennant, he was delighted to see the original art work after all this time and we presented him with a club pennant

Litter clean up at the Strawberry Field, Warsash.
On Monday 6th June, Swanwick Lions Club members helped the new local group, ‘Mundo Limpio’, (Clean World), carry out a litter clean- up at the ‘Strawberry Field’ in Warsash.
This was the groups’ first clean-up, and no doubt given the amount of rubbish to be found littering our local green areas and beaches, there will be many more! (‘Social distancing’ was observed during the clean-up, made easier by several of the members being from the same households).
Several bags of rubbish were removed from the site, as can be seen in the photograph.
Swanwick Lions are pleased to have assisted in this project, and hope the group continue to help keep our community a place to be proud of.
Although our service to the Community has been restricted during the current pandemic, we have been able to provide some assistance to various organisations and individuals. Here is a summary of our work during the past year:-
We assisted individual local people with the following:-
School Shoes, Uniform. 100.00
International Donations- via Lions International ((LCIF):- |
Australian Fires 500.00 |
Lions British Isles Funds
Lions( British Isles) Disaster Relief Fund 500.00
Youth Fund -( Lions British Isles) 100.00
Bereavement Tribute Donations:-
Acts of Kindness -in Memory of retired Swanwick Lion Micky Turner 200.00
Lions International Funds- in Memory of Ann Howard 200.00
UK Sepsis Trust- in memory of Lion Helen Mitchell 200.00
TOTAL £4161.49
Our fund raising and welfare activities are suspended due to the pandemic situation, but we are still able to offer some assistance- please do not hesitate to contact us if you know of anyone who is in need of support- we review every request made to us. We generally assist with items of need, preferring not to give money directly for local requests. The costs above reflect this.
We have donated funds from our Christmas 2018 collections to the Hamble Lifeboat, and to Lockswood Day Care Centre. On a beautiful sunny day in late February,we presented our cheque for £1,000 to the Lifeboat crew, at their Boathut on the Hamble.
- Hamble Lifeboat was formed by Hamble residents in 1968 as the Southampton Water Inshore Rescue Service (Hamble Rescue). This was in response to the number of casualties occurring in Southampton Water and the Rivers Hamble, Itchen and Test, which had increased to 19 deaths in one year. The nature of the area meant something fast, powerful and capable of operating in shallow water was needed. The crew is made up of volunteers who give their time and effort with the very vital support of their families.
The Service responds to tasking by the UK Coastguard during weekends, Bank Holidays and pager availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in all weather conditions, and attends on average 100 incidents per year.
The average annual cost of running the service is £35,000. Also in February, we presented a total of £1,400 to the Lockswood Day Care Centre.
The building was officially opened on 20th June 1996, at a ceremony attended by the chairman of the building committee Lion Vic Smith, the Duchess of Wellington, and other dignitaries, including Lions.
Since 2014 the centre has been run by Age Concern, and provides activities for local people who may be physically or mentally frail, to give them a purpose to their week. Activities range from competitions, quizzes and group games to music and movement, arts and crafts, gardening, and computer training. The day care services also provide Carers with well earned respite and support.
The garden is used extensively, particularly during the warmer months, and is in need of updating. Our £1,400 donation should go a long way to achieving an improvement.
Swanwick Lions Club donates £3,000 to UK Sepsis Trust
Sepsis is a life threatening illness that has been much in the news lately. Swanwick Lions President Helen Mitchell suffered from sepsis a couple of years ago, and during her tenure as President, the Club made the UK Sepsis Trust their main fund raising target. Thankyou to all who helped us collect the donations and to all who donated.
At the end of July 2018, the Club were pleased to present a cheque for £3,000 to local GP Dr McFarlane.
The Trust responded with the following letter of thanks:-
"2nd August 2018
Dear Helen
We are writing to thank you for the donation of £3,000.00 received by the UK Sepsis Trust from the Swanwick Lions club, Hampshire and forwarded by Dr McFarlane of Brook Lane Surgery.
Thanks to help from advocates and friends like you, UKST has seen public awareness of sepsis in the UK rise from 34% in 2010 to 70% in September 2016 - 42.7 million more people have now heard of sepsis as a result of our work. Your support is helping us to facilitate earlier identification and treatment of sepsis across the UK, which could save 14,000 lives every year.
On behalf of all those battling the terrible consequences of sepsis, thank you once again.
Yours Faithfully
Chief Executive
Chair: UK Sepsis Trust
CEO: Global Sepsis Alliance"
Thank you to all who donated to our 2017 Christmas Sleigh collections, and our Easter Egg Raffle for the UK Sepsis Trust
- July 14th- Swannmore Fete is organised by Meon Valley Lions, and we had a marquee with Games and Books. The day was sunny and HOT, with many people spending time in the shade of the Tea Tent and Bar area. The Birnie Boozle Band also supported us by playing several sets of traditional melodies.
- Sarisbury Green Fete June 9th;- On a warm day with sun & clouds, the Green was crowded with visitors to the Fete. The Lions BBQ did a roaring trade, and only stopped cooking late afternoon when the gas bottle ran out!! Thank you to Tim Cooper and all who helped run the BBQ. Our other stalls did well, and the proceeds will help our Charity Fund. The Birnie Boozle Band played all afternoon, and proceeds from their collection will be added to our UK Sepsis Trust Fund.
Obituary: Barry Peter Gard:-
Barry was a member of Swanwick Lions Club from 2002-2005. He passed away in early June, after being diagnosed with a brain tumour. His funeral was held on Monday June 18th, at St Marys Church in Warsash. Contrary to his own wry observation that his funeral ‘could be held in a telephone box’, the Church was overflowing. Along with Tina his wife, and immediate family and relations, people came from all walks of life: people he had known throughout his life, people from organisations he was a member of, and people whose lives he had touched in some way.
He played a major part in the manufacture of the Lions Christmas sleigh, which was built in 2004, welding together the entire steel framework. After leaving the Lions due to his many other commitments, he still helped out during our Sleigh collections.
He will be remembered for his generosity, humour, and his affable good nature. Perhaps the opening lines of the Don Williams song,’Working Mans’ Son’, played as we left the Church, say it all:
“If all I get is what I've got
If the good Lord says you've had your shot
Once I got past my state of shock
I'd Smile and tell Him thanks a lot”
- Our President for 2017 - 2018, Lion Helen, nominated the UK Sepsis Trust as her Charity for her year. So far, our Christmas Sleigh collection, Easter Egg Raffle and other activities have raised over £2,000.
Our Christmas Sleigh collections supported the UK Sepsis Trust.
Swanwick Lions visit to the new 'Hub' at Fareham Community Hospital:
The clinical lead for the NHS’s Better Local Care project in Fareham, Dr Tom Bertram, hosted Swanwick Lions visit to the new ‘same day access service’ ‘Hub’ at Fareham Community Hospital
The Hub opened this year, and Swanwick Lions helped with the donation of £3,000 for medical equipment. We supplied a £2,000 ECG machine, trolley, and equipment, with a further £1,000 for other items including a nebuliser and 8 blood pressure monitors.
- The 28th annual duck Race on Bank holiday Monday was a great success. Crowds lined the riverbank at Mansbridge as over 2,500 plastic ducks were dropped into the River Itchen. It was a real holiday atmosphere, as a glorious,warm afternoon saw people out picnicking and walking in the park, canoeoing and swimming in the river, and enjoying ice-creams. Congratulations to the holder of the 1st duck over the line at Woodmill, who won the £250 prize.
Local GP Receptionists, whose practice is a member of the scheme, now follow a new protocol to enable them to quickly decide how to help a patient:-
-Is it an emergency?- patient to dial 999 or attend A & E urgently.
- Minor Injuries- patient advised to attend a Minor Injuries Unit/ Walk in Centre
-is it a problem needing attention on the same day?- GP Primary Care
- depending on the health issue the 'same day access service' is offered at the Fareham Community Hospital. If a patient accepts the offer, a clinician from the Hospital 'Hub' will call the patient to discuss. The Hub is manned by Doctors and Nurses from the GP surgeries who operate a rota system.
In addition to this service, NHS consultants also see patients at the hospital, saving a journey to Q.A. Hospital.
The purpose of the new system is to enable FCH to play a major role in the health of the Community, by reducing the waiting time for patients to see a Doctor or Nurse, and reduce the number of patients filling GP surgery waiting rooms. The service is being implemented by committed NHS doctors and managers, and currently takes 200-300 calls a day. It is hoped that all local GP practices will join the scheme.
Swanwick Lions are delighted to see the new service is doing so well – and equally delighted that the equipment we were able to provide is playing a part in the success story.
Autumn 2016:-Newsletter_Autumn2016_published.pdf 2016...................................................... The Southampton Solent Lions and Swanwick Lions Grand Annual Duck Race went off with a splash on Bank Holiday Monday!! A beautiful and warm day brought out the holiday crowds to watch the thousands of plastic ducks dropped into the river at the old Bridge at Mansbridge. Thankyou to everyone who bought tickets, to all our helpers, and to the businesses who donated prizes.
Lions receive £100 boost from ASDA's Community Fund
- Pictured left are Lion Vic Smith of Swanwick Lions Club, Matt Murphy from ASDA, Lion Malcolm Carter and Lion Maureen Bentley of Southampton Solent Lions Club,
- Matt Murphy, who is ASDA's Community Champion for their Southampton Marlands Store, made the presentation on behalf of ASDA's Community Fund. The £100 is a donation toward the money raised by the Lions Duck Race held at Woodmill on August Bank Holiday Monday this year. The Duck Race is a joint venture between the Lions Club of Southampton Solent and the Lions Club of Swanwick and was held for the 27th consecutive year in 2016. Every penny of the money raised will be used to help people in our local community who are less fortunate than ourselves. Several of the Duck Race prizes were donated by ASDA and we are very grateful for the help and support given to us by them.
For more information on the Lions Clubs International Foundation please visit